Digital Index

Digimon CCG

Starter 1

DD-002 Sora

Card Type: Digi-Destined

Attack #: x2
Defense #:  -

Effect: Play during an Attack Phase. Select 1 of your Digimon. The selected Digimon has double his Attack (including any other bonuses) this Attack.

Rarity: Rare

Other Sora Cards: DD-016 Sora

Name Origins
English Name: Sora
Japanese Name: Sora

Card Explanations Needed: none

My Card Comments: Double the Attack power, including bonuses, is a good thing.

Hints, Tips, & Strategies: None yet

Additional Name/Effect Info: none

Chris McFeely Says:
(Adventure & 02)

Sora Takenouchi is the mother-figure of the DigiDestined, partnered with Biyomon and holder of the Crest of Love. As a child, she and her parents lived in Highton View Terrace, and she attended the same school as her best friend, Tai. Sora bore witness to the battle between the Greymon and Parrotmon, and, at some point over the next four years, the family moved out of Highton VIew Terrace and into an apartment in Odaiba. Sora became somewhat tomboyish, and her relationship with her mother – which was already strained due to her father, a professor of mythology, not being home much – worsened as she wanted Sora to stop playing soccer and work with her at her flower shop. Any romantic feelings Sora may have appear to be torn between Tai and Matt.
From the get-go in the DigiWorld, Sora has always kept an eye on Tai, mainly because she sometimes doubts that despite being the self-proclaimed leader of the group, he's not capable of dealing with certain situations. At first, Sora tried to prevent her Digimon, Biyomon, from getting too close to her, because she was afraid their relationship could turn out like her's with her mother. When Sora came under threat from Meramon, who was under the thrall of a Black Gear, Biyomon Digivolved to her Champion stage of Birdramon. After Devimon split the kids up, Sora came across Joe, who had almost drowned after a run-in with Ogremon. In an attempt to boost Joe's self-confidence, Sora and the Digimon let him be the leader of their small group - but unfortunately, he led them straight into trouble, in form of a gang of hungry Bakemon! Sora and Joe were nearly made meals of by the ghostly Digimon, but were saved by Joe's mind-over-matter chants. Sora and Joe then arrived slightly late for the final battle with Devimon, but their Digimon were still unable to beat him. Things looked bleak, until Angemon saved the day.
Once the kids arrived on Server, then were almost immediately attacked by Etemon, several times. Izzy received a mysterious e-mail from someone Etemon was holding prisoner in his pyramid, who said that he knew where Sora could find her Crest. The prisoner turned out to be Datamon, whom the kids freed - but he turned right around and kidnapped Sora and Biyomon, taking them to another secret chamber in the pyramid. Datamon was in possession of Sora's Crest, and was attempting to create a digital copy of her who could use the Crest, but would be under his control. Tai managed to save her, and Sora snatched her Crest as Etemon stormed in and began fighting with Datamon. Datamon dropped computer viruses into Etemon's Dark Network, turning it into a black hole of sorts, which began sucking in matter. Etemon became bonded to the network, and attacked the kids, but Tai, having mastered true courage in saving Sora, used his Crest to Digivolve Agumon to MetalGreymon, who destroyed Etemon. This opened a rift to the real world, through which Tai and MetalGreymon were sucked.
As time moves faster in the DigiWorld, for the few hours that Tai was on Earth, months passed in the DigiWorld, during which time the group fell apart without Tai. Sora and Biyomon wandered off on their own, and ran into DemiDevimon, who was working for Myotismon. He told Sora her Crest would never glow, as she didn't know what love was. Sora attempted to prove that she did know love, and felt it for the other DigiDestined, by following them around, saving Tai and T.K. from the Mushrooms of Forgetfulness, helping to prevent some of the accidents DemiDevimon was causing at the restaurant Joe and Matt and been forced to work in and convincing Mimi to stop being such a spoilt brat when she was in the palace of the Gekomon and Otamamon. Once the kids were all together again, they spotted Sora lurking nearby, and she had to come forward and explain herself. She broke down crying when she revealed that her crest still wasn't glowing - but then, the kids were attacked by Myotismon. Biyomon was determined to fight him, even though it was impossible for her to win, and Sora attempted to stop her. Sora then realised that her refusal to let Biyomon fight stemmed from her love for her - and her Crest began to glow, allowing Biyomon to Digivolve to her Ultimate stage of Garudamon, who held Myotismon off long enough for the kids to escape.
Sora and the kids then returned to Earth to stop Myotismon's assault on Odaiba in his search for the Eighth Child, the predestined eighth member of the DigiDestined. The kids were lucky enough to get a ride into town from Sora's cousin, Duane. When Myotismon's armies began to capture the populous of Central Odaiba, Sora was among those captured and held at the city's convention centre. Sora engineered a breakout, using the mind-over-matter chants Joe's showed her to weaken the Bakemon guarding them. When DarkTyrannomon showed up to stop the escape, it was thanks to a distraction perpetrated by her mother and Biyomon that Sora was able to escape, and went on to meet up with the other kids in time to arrange the final attack on Myotismon. After defeating Myotismon's Digivolved form of VenomMyotismon, Sora and the kids returned to the DigiWorld to battle the Dark Masters. After Matt left the team, determined to find his own path in life, rather than just following Tai, Sora stayed with Tai. During the battle with LadyDevimon, Tai dispatched her and T.K. to find Matt, Joe and Mimi. They set out looking for him, but Sora was fearful that they would never find them. Realising the importance of the task before her, she began to doubt her ability, and to fear her own inadequacies. Her negative feelings manifested themselves as a dark energy, which sucked her into a cave, placing her in a trance of despair. Matt and Joe saved her from the darkness, just as Gabumon had saved Matt earlier, by explaining to her that they had to do the right thing, and that together, they were the only ones who could make a difference - it wasn't just all on her shoulders, as she feared it as. Sora was freed, her sprits high, and she, Joe and Matt headed back to the rest of the team. WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon were transformed into key chains as they fought Piedmon, as were the others, one by one. Soon, only Sora, T.K., Kari, Patamon and Gomamon were left. Sora made T.K. promise to run away, to prevent Piedmon from getting them, but then, she too fell to the villain, along with Gomamon. Patamon Digivolved to MagnaAngemon and returned everyone to normal with his MagnaAntidote, and then, Mimi and her Digimon allies showed up, and helped defeat Piedmon and his Vilemon horde.
The kids were then pulled into battle with Apocalymon, who destroyed their Crests - but when the kids realised that the power was inside them, and had been all along, they used their Digivices to turn Apocalymon's Total Annihilation attack back on him, destroying him. After they beat Apocalymon, the DigiWorld began reformatting itself, and the kids had to return home. Sora and Biyomon exchanged a tearful goodbye.
Eight months later, when Tai gave Sora a hairclip for her birthday, she got angry, thinking it meant he didn’t like her hair. She refused to speak to him, and when he tried to apologise by e-mail, the message got lost along the way. As Tai and Izzy became embroiled in conflict with Diaboromon, Sora was apparently totally unaware anything was wrong. Tai left her a message on her answering machine asking her to come over, and she almost did, but turned away outside the Kamiya apartment at the last minute. When Diaboromon was destroyed, Tai’s e-mail got sent through, and Sora forgave him.
In May 2000, Sora and the other DigiDestined were called back into the DigiWorld by Gennai, where they were instructed to release the powers of their Crests, creating a shield which would protect the DigiWorld from the forces of evil. As a side effect of this, Biyomon and the other Digimon lost the ability to Digivolve to their Ultimate forms. Subsequently, she and her father had many discussions about Digimon and the DigiWorld. The years passed, and Sora began to play tennis, her mother teaching her as their relationship continuously improved.
Four years after Apocalymon's defeat, when the Digimon Emperor began his takeover of the DigiWorld, Tai called all the older DigiDestined together, to discuss the situation. Sora and Izzy accompanied T.K., Kari and the new DigiDestined – Davis, Yolei and Cody – into the DigiWorld the next day, where they met their Digimon again, but were soon attacked by the Digimon Emperor’s slaves. Davis and Veemon were captured, and everyone else fled into the forest, where they came across a temple – and inside were the Digi-Eggs of Love and Knowledge. Sora was unable to lift the Digi-Egg of Love, and suggested Yolei try. The girl lifted it with ease, and her partner Digimon, Hawkmon, appeared. Yolei was horrified at the notion of having to fight, but Sora told her how much she reminded her of Mimi, and how she hadn’t wanted to fight as well. With this reassurance, Yolei activated her Digi-Egg, and Hawkmon became Halsemon, and he and Digmon freed Davis and Veemon from the Emperor’s clutches.
Sora was next seen very briefly, along with Birdramon, helping to destroy some Control Spires. Some time later, Birdramon was shot down over the desert by Airdramon, and reverted to Biyomon. She came across Starmon’s town, but was attacked and thrown in jail. Sora’s Digivice flashed a distress call, and she and the new DigiDestined, sans T.K. and Kari, headed to the DigiWorld to find out what was going on. They found Starmon’s town, and Starmon himself offered them a glass of “welcome milk” – before revealing his Dark Ring, turning on them and throwing them into the same cell as Biyomon. Shortly, Deputymon arrived, and freed Sora, Yolei and their Digimon, as he wanted them to play cards with him. Cody and Davis alerted Starmon to this, and then managed to escape as Deputymon and Starmon fought. Starmon defeated Deputymon, but was then blasted by Flamedramon, and crashed into the Control Spire, destroying it and freeing himself.
Sora did not appear again until Christmas, when it became obvious that she had developed a rather serious romantic attraction towards Matt. She baked him some cookies as a present before his concert, and was waiting to give them to him with Tai showed up, and casually attempted to ask if she was going to the concert with anyone, quite obviously wanting to ask her to go with him. She said she wasn’t, in case Matt was free afterward – it was a tense moment for both of them, but Tai put his own feelings aside, and simply told her to go in and say hi to Matt for him. Matt evidently speedily reciprocated her feelings, because when the concert was invaded by a DarkTyrannomon, he immediately rushed to Sora’s side, to protect her from falling rubble – much to the dismay of June Motomiya.
As Digimon began to appear all over Earth, Sora and the others were called to Izzy’s apartment, where they set about contacting DigiDestined all across the world. Gennai arrived, and used one of Azulongmon’s Digi-Cores to energise the original eight Digimon restoring their ability to Digivolve to Ultimate. Then, they all set off to different countries, to round up the wild Digimon there. Sora and Yolei were sent to Russia, where they immediately encountered problems in the form of the language barrier – Gennai’s Russian counterpart, Ilya, was running late, and they could not communicate with the Russian DigiDestined, Anna, Sonya and Yuri. Yolei came up with an unusual plan to co-ordinate their attack on the swarms of Flymon above Moscow by using Russian food as commands. The Flymon were defeated, and Ilya arrived, taking the girls to Siberia, where they had to fight a herd of Mammothmon. The numbing cold caused Sora to pass out, and she fell off of Garudamon, but was saved by Aquilamon, just as Imperialdramon arrived to dispatch the Mammothmon and save the day.
Once they were back in Odaiba, the kids had no time to rest, as the Daemon Corps appeared, searching for Ken and the Dark Spore within him. When Angewomon was battling LadyDevimon, Sora and Matt showed up with Garudamon and WereGarurumon, prompting LadyDevimon to flee. Sora and Garudamon were part of the battle with SkullSatamon, but Biyomon and the other Digimon had to sacrifice their power to Digivolve to Ultimate once again to energise Imperialdramon, allowing him to Mode Change to his Fighter Mode and destroy the villain.
Later, Sora and Tai were seen trailing Noriko, one of the children whom Oikawa had implanted a Dark Spore in. Noriko’s spore had flowered early, and Oikawa had already absorbed its power. As the other kids staked out Highton View Terrace, Izzy asked Matt if he minded Tai and Sora being alone. Matt said he knew how he felt, but Tai was his best friend, and he trusted him.
Shortly thereafter, as MaloMyotismon began to spread his darkness across Earth, Sora and her parents, along with the other original DigiDestined, their families, and Noriko and her parents, went to the summer camp where everything had started four years before. There, the gateway to the DigiWorld opened, and Sora – despite her fears that they may not be able to win – took Noriko under her wing, as they all went into the DigiWorld, to face MaloMyotismon. The DigiDestined managed to convince the children implanted with Dark Spores that their lives were not meaningless, and got them to talk about their dreams – this flow of positive energy weakened MaloMyotismon, discorporating his body. Then, everyone used their Digivices, giving Imperialdramon a power boost, enabling him to using his Giga Crusher attack to destroy Myotismon’s spirit, seemingly once and for all.
Three months later, when it was discovered that Diaboromon had survived his battle with Omnimon four years beforehand, Sora was once again absent, at least for most of the conflict, as she was away at a tennis championship. She returned in time to help Tai and Matt pull themselves together after Omnimon was defeated by Armageddemon.
Twenty-five years into the future, the gateway to the DigiWorld remains open, and Biyomon is still at Sora’s side. Sora has become a fashion designer, creating traditional Japanese-style clothing, and is married to Matt – they have two children, a son with a Tsunomon and a daughter with a Yokomon. It was never stated in dialogue that they were married, but it’s obvious from their children – the boy shown to be Matt’s son has Sora’s hair, while the girl shown as Sora’s daughter has Matt’s hair. V-Jump magazine later confirmed the marriage.
Chronologically speaking, Sora first appears in “Digimon: The Movie.” She first appears in the series in "And so it begins..." Her voice is supplied by Colleen O'Shaughnessey.



All 'Chris McFeely Says:' info copyright to Chris McFeely and used under permission from him. For more info, you can visit his site
