Digital Index

Digimon CCG

Starter 1

DD-005 Cody

Card Type: Digi-Destined

Attack #: +350
Defense #:  -

Effect: Play during an Attack Phase. Select 1 of your Digimon. The selected Digimon has +350 Attack this Attack.

Rarity: Common

Other Cody Cards: none

Name Origins
English Name: Cody
Japanese Name: Cody?

Card Explanations Needed: none

My Card Comments: An extra 350 to your Attack is good, and you can have 3 of this card in your deck.

Hints, Tips, & Strategies: None yet

Additional Name/Effect Info: none

Chris McFeely Says:
(Adventure & 02)

Cody Hida is one of the DigiDestined, partnered with Armadillomon, and holder of the Digi-Eggs of Knowledge and Reliability. Cody is the youngest of the new DigiDestined, but is wise beyond his years - a lot of his wisdom gets from his grandfather, who also teaches him the Japanese martial art of Kendo. But Cody's connection to Digimon and the DigiWorld actually began long before he was born.
As a boy, Cody's father, Hiroki Hida, was best friends with Yukio Oikawa, a lonely boy who had no other friends. Somehow, Hiroki and Oikawa were in communication with the DigiWorld via Hiroki's video game system - Hiroki himself may have had a Digimon, as Oikawa had one named Datirimon. However, Cody's grandfather - Hiroki's father - decided that they were spending too much time "playing video games" - which was all he thought they were doing - and put a stop to it. Hiroki and Oikawa remained friends - they apparently worked on a project of some kind together until they were young men (which may or may not have cumulated in the creation of Arukenimon). However, Hiroki had got married, had a son - Cody - and become a policeman in his adulthood, and got in the line of fire during an assassination attempt on an important political figure. Hiroki died, and Oikawa was left utterly alone in the world.
Cody, still only very young, continued to live with his mother and grandfather. When the DigiWorld appeared in the sky after the destruction of the villainous VenomMyotismon in Tokyo in 1999, Cody, his mother and his grandfather were on board the plane that came into contact with the warp, and was saved from crashing by Garudamon and MegaKabuterimon. It was then than Cody saw his first Digimon.
In the original planning packet, Cody was one of the children brought before Myotismon during his invasion of Odaiba, but this was later changed.
Four years later, Cody and his friend Yolei encountered T.K. of the original eight DigiDestined in their apartment building - T.K. and his mother had just moved in, and the three of them walked to school together. Meanwhile, however, in the DigiWorld, the evil Digimon Emperor had begun his conquest, and Agumon summoned Tai to help. Tai found the Digi-Egg of Courage, but when he touched it, three new Digivices emerged from it, and travelled into the real world, to be recieved by Cody, Yolei and Davis - the new DigiDestined.
The next day, Izzy and Sora accompanied the new DigiDestined into the DigiWorld, but Davis and Veemon were captured by the Emperor. Cody and Yolei found their first Digi-Eggs, and met their Digimon partners, Armour Digivolving them to help free Davis and Veemon.
A little later, Cody began to fear that he was letting the team down, but his grandfather convinced him that all he had to do was try his hardest, and that way, he wasn't letting anyone down. Cody arrived a little late as the team headed off to the DigiWorld, with Joe in tow, to answer a distress call from Gomamon. In the ensuing scuffle with some Frigimon, Cody took a tumble into a freezing river, but Gomamon fished him out, and Joe took care of him. The Emperor then attacked with Shellmon and Ebidramon, but Digmon and Ikkakumon defeated them, and Cody ended the adventure by properly introducing himself to Joe.
Cody was present on all the team's adventures together, telling everyone about his experience on the plane and seeing his first Digimon when the team met Michael. Later, Cody and the others were trapped in an offshore oil platform by MegaSeadramon, and Cody had to overcome his fear of the sea to use a submersible to get help from Joe. Ikkakumon arrived and battled MegaSeadramon, and, with some convincing from Joe, activated the newly-uncovered Digi-Egg of Reliability, allowing Armadillomon to Armour Digivolve to Submarimon to help defeat MegaSeadramon.
Shortly thereafter, Cody and Submarimon located the Digimon Emperor's fortress, and made their way inside to help free the Emperor's captives. After the ensuing battles with Kimeramon, Cody and the others finally made the Emperor understand that Digimon are living creatures. Stunned, the Emperor collapsed in tears of self-disgust, and reverted back to his true persona of Ken Ichijouji.
However, Cody could not forgive Ken for what he had done. When the DigiDestined were rebuilding a Punimon village, Cody and Digmon were at work underground, but were attacked by Thundermon. Digmon reverted to Armadillomon, and then Digivolved into Ankylomon to try and drive Thundermon away, as Cody did not want him to fight. Cody was swept up in a hail of rock from the little Digimon's attack, but was saved by a mysterious Digimon... who was revealed to be Stingmon, the Digivolved form of Wormmon, Ken's Digimon partner. Cody could not understand why Ken had saved him, but still thought no different of him. When Davis suggested they call on Ken to help them deal with the reactor of his old fortress, which threatened to explode, Cody protested, but Ken came anyway, and Paildramon defeated Okuwamon - created by Arukenimon to stop them - and the reactor.
When Ken, Davis and Cody were attacked by insectoid Digimon in the Giga House, Cody and Submarimon saved Ken from a watery fate in a giant washing machine - but he explained he was merely evening the score.
When Davis and Ken, and then Kari and Yolei were shown to be DNA Digivolving partners, Cody knew that he and T.K. had to be partners. However, lately, T.K. had been acting oddly violent and angry - but soon, Cody understood why. The powers of darkness had returned in the form of BlackWarGreymon - also created by Arukenimon and Mummymon - who was destroying the Destiny Stones. The powers of darkness had already taken Angemon from T.K. once, and he feared it would happen again. Cody attempted to talk sense into BlackWarGreymon, but while the misguided Digimon did not listen, he did Cody no harm. When Cody finally understood T.K.'s motives, Angemon and Ankylomon DNA Digivolved into Shakkoumon for the first time.
Over time, Cody's hatred of Ken began to fade, and at Christmas, he accepted Ken's invitation to his Christmas party. Then, he, Armadillomon, Joe and Gomamon headed to Australia, as the other DigiDestined travelled to other parts of the world, to round up the wild Digimon who had appeared on Earth as a result of Arukenimon opening all the Digi-Ports. There, they met an Australian DigiDestined named Derek, and his Crabmon Digivolved into Coelamon to help Submarimon and Zudomon deal with the aquatic Digimon there and send them back to the DigiWorld.
Cody and Joe returned to Odaiba to find that an evil Digimon named Daemon and his minions had come to Earth in search of Ken and the Dark Spore within him. Shakkoumon battled MarineDevimon at a hospital, as T.K., Cody and Jim Kido helped a disabled girl get to safety. Shakkoumon's only option was to destroy MarineDevimon, shocking and upsetting Cody. Cody then showed his friendship to Ken along with everyone else to open a gate to the World of Darkness, through which Daemon was sent.
Soon thereafter, Oikawa, who had already copied Ken's Dark Spore and implanted it in other children, learned that Cody was the son of his old friend Hiroki. When he tried to use the children, Spores and Key Cards to open the portal to the DigiWorld, he wound up in another dimension, where the truth came out - the spirit of Myotismon had been inside him for the last four years, controlling his actions. Myotismon emerged, and used the power of the Spores to become MaloMyotismon, before destroying Arukenimon and Mummymon. MaloMyotismon then subjected the kids to illusions of their greatest desires - for Cody, it was his father being alive again, and Cody being able to show him the digital world. Armadillomon appeared to explain how it wasn't real, and Flamedramon appeared to take him back to the other kids, who were in the process of breaking free of their illusions. Cody and the others then used the power of the dream dimension against MaloMyotismon, making their own dreams come true, and letting all their Digimon Digivolve to all their different stages at once. MaloMyotismon fled to the DigiWorld, but the kids followed. As he tried to infect Earth with pure darkness, the power of dreams, and Imperialdramon's Giga Crusher attack - powered with the energy of the Digivices of all the world's DigiDestined - destroyed him for good.
Cody went back into the dream dimension to recover the fallen Oikawa, dragging him to the edge of the portal, when Datirimon appeared, and Oikawa was reunited with him. However, MaloMyotismon had taken too much of Oikawa's energy - and, using the dream dimension to fulfil a dream of his own, Oikawa's body deleted in Cody's arms, and the digital particles transformed into a host of butterflies, which spread across the DigiWorld, restoring peace and beauty to it.
Three months later, it was discovered that Diaboromon had survived his battle with Omnimon four years beforehand, and had spent the time in between reproducing as millions of Kuramon. Cody was in Kendo practise when he was called by Izzy and learned of this. The Kuramon were appearing in the real world by transmitting themselve through e-mail, so while Tai, Matt and Omnimon battled Diaboromon on the 'net, the other kids were set on the trail of the Kuramon - Cody and T.K. located one at a soccer game, and sent it to Izzy to deal with. T.K., Kari and their Digimon entered the 'net and helped Omnimon defeat Diaboromon, but then the Kuramon all entered the real world, and gathered in Tokyo Harbour, where Cody and Yolei watched as they became Armageddemon. When Imperialdramon Paladin Mode defeated Armageddemon, the villain split into Kuramon again, and it was Cody who hit upon the idea for everyone to use their Digivices and cell phones to capture them.
25 years into the future, the portal to the DigiWorld remains open, and Armadillomon remains at Cody's side. Cody is now a high-class defence lawyer - he is married, and has a daughter (Nothing was said of his wife, but many have theorised she may be the disabled girl he helped rescue previously).
Cody first appears in "Enter Flamedramon." His voice is supplied by Philece Sampler.



All 'Chris McFeely Says:' info copyright to Chris McFeely and used under permission from him. For more info, you can visit his site
