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Gundam War Advanced Rulebook

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  Card Descriptions

   Original Card Type and Cards that are treated as other Types
   Same Type of Card, and Cards with Same Name
   Terrain Aptitude
   Battle Stats
   Battle Modifications

This refers to the different types of cards that exists (Unit, Character, Command, Operation, G) In the case where card text specifies a type of card, it is referring to all cards of that type.
Eg. If [Operation] is being specified, both normal Operations and Set card Operations are included.

 Original Card Type and Cards that are treated as other card Types
A card that is under the effect [will be treated as (card type)] will not be treated as its original card type; rather, it will be treated to be a card type that was specified in the effect.
A card that is under the effect [will also be treated as (card type)] will be treated as its original card type AND the card type that was specified in the effect. Cards that come under this part will revert back to its original card type when moved to other places

Describes the amount of Nation Power/Resource etc. needed to play the card etc. [Designated Nation Power], [Total Nation Power] and [Resource Cost] as a whole is referred to as [Cost].

The name of the card. There are both names that include or exclude the unit number, but in the game itself, if a card text refers to a name, it's referring to card names excluding the unit number.
When referring to card names in the case of deck-building, refer to card names including the unit number.
* Dots and dashes are not included in a name.

 Same Type of Card and Cards with Same Name
Cards that have the same Name, same Type of Designated Nation and same Card Number are treated to be the same type of card even if the illustrations, text descriptions etc. are different.
Cards that have the same name but have different type of designated nation and card number are treated as cards with same Name.

 Terrain Aptitude
Descriptions that limits a Unit to which Battle Area it can Sort out to.

Describes the settings of the Character's [Sex], [Age] and [Special Characteristic]
The legend is as follows:

M : Male
F : Female
Ad : Adult
Ch : Child
NT : NT  (Newtype)
CO : CO  (Coordinator)
GF : GF  (Gundam Fighter)

The part of the card where it contains Descriptions of the Effects of the card. Normally it refers to the whole card text, but there may be times when it refers to just one of the effects on the card, or [one part of the text] etc. Or for cards that have nothing on that part, they will be described as "Cards that have no text"

 Battle Stats
Digits that represent the Unit's ability to Battle. [Meele Stats], [Shooting Stats] and [Defend Stats] are, as a whole referred to as Battle Stats. There is no upper limit for it, and the lower limit is 0.

 Battle Modifications
Digits that represent the Pilots' (Characters') ability. [Meele Stats Modification], [Shooting Stats Modification] and [Defend Stats Modification] are, as a whole referred to as Battle Modifications, and will be added to the respective Unit they are Set on. As there are other Battle Modifications that happen via other effects, this may be described as [Character Battle Modifications] at some times. There are no upper nor lower limits for this, and there may be negative Battle Modifications.

 *  (Asterisk)
Treated as 0 when used in referring to Battle Stats and Battle Modifications. Digits that have * added to it will be 0 no matter what Battle Modifications its being affected by.