Power Chart
Price Guide

Power Chart
Price Guide
This section, as you have probably guessed, contains stuff you
can download. Permissions for each downloadable item, or group of
items, will be given above the download link.
Megchan's Digimon Encyclopedia Megchan has given permission for her encyclopedia to be used anyway a
person sees fit. I have the main encyclopedia section, the Option
cards, and 2 updates available for download (which is all Megchan
had translated at the time). All files are in .zip (Winzip) format.
If you don't have an unzipping program, you can download a free version
at http://www.win-rar.com/download.html .
- Encyclopedia - - Options - - Update 1 - - Update 2 -
Gumby's Digi-Battle Spoiler I never actualy recieved permission from Gumby to upload his Spoiler to
my site, but the Q&A from Customer Support in it is largly used in
my Digi-Battle article series, and I don't know where else you can get
a copy if you don't already have one or know someone who has... If
Gumby gives me word to remove his Spoiler, I will try to do so in a
timely manner. Until then, I suggest it only be used for persional use
as this spoiler is covered by international copyright law as Gumby's
- Gumby's Spoiler -
Gundam War
(Downloads for Gundam War fill be at a file-downloading site for
the first little while before being directly-linked to my hosting, so
that it doesn't hammer my bandwidth.)
Each release also includes a template page that can be used to
copy and paste individual cards you want copies of, instead of having
to re-print entire pages with some cards you may not want copies of
(and effectively waste ink.. ).
Permissions: For personal
use, and for promoting Gundam War. Not for sale. Not for online viewing
or distrobution outside of this site (without permission. To ask for
permission, you can find my e-mail on the Contact page -link to the
Dramatic Booster 1: One Year War
Blue ( 32 DB1 cards, + 1 Basic Gen from Booster 16 )
8 Characters
6 Commands
5 Operations
11 Units
1 Special Gen
(1 Basic Gen from Booster 16)
Green ( 33 DB1 cards, + 1 Basic Gen from Booster 16 )
8 Characters
5 Commands
8 Operations
11 Units
1 Special Gen
(1 Basic Gen from Booster 16)
More downloads may come later.