Power Chart
Price Guide

Power Chart
Price Guide
& Answers
Q 1.) Why does your site call MD-10 Magical Ring 'Spiritual
Ring'? That isn't the card's name!
A 1.) Because 'Spiritual Ring' was the name on the Digi-Battle
card, and 'Holy Ring' was the name on the Japanese card. Calling
something that's supposed to represent something that's holy as 'magic',
which is evil, especialy something that's associated with an un-fallen
angel (as the Holy Ring is what becomes Angewomon's golden sash), is a
perversion and is thus technicaly classed as 'hentai' (in it's most
literal meaning). Besides that, Myotismon said that the data of
Gatomon's tail ring (Holy Ring) was what was used as the basis for the
Dark Rings and Spirals (in season 2), or something like that... If
Bandai America wants to call anything 'Magical Ring', they might as
well rename the Dark Rings and Spirals as that's all on the side of
evil anyway... (I also don't like that they renamed the Holy Orb as
'Spiritual Crystal' because that gives it the feel of a crystal ball,
which is also on the side of evil and is completely out of context as
to what the Holy Orb of the Sovreigns actualy does... )
Q 2.) Why does your site have info I've never heard of before or seen
on the official Digimon message board? Are you trying to change the
game or something!?
A 2.) I happened to be a moderator on Bandai's official Digimon CCG
message board ( www.digimonccg.com ) and have asked them a ton of
questions that some people may not have asked in the 'Rules Q&A'
forum. Bandai had also given me power to make minor clarifications to
the game. However, as of February 12th , 2006, I may have info on the
card pages that doesn't class as a 'minor clarification' but also
hasn't been made official by Bandai yet. This is 'suggested
errata/clarification/whatever' text and will be in green; official
errata will be in red; clarifications will be in black, like everything
else, because I had the power to make them and if anyone asks on the
message board my answers will be the same as the clarifications on this
site (since, being a mod, I answered game questions in an official
capicity). The reason for the 'suggested errata/clarification/whatever'
text is because Bandai seems to be swampped with work at the moment and
hasn't had the time to do anything constructive about fixing the card
game (...and then they axed it). So, since questions need to be answered and answers have not been
given, I'm putting this info on the card pages to help the players/game
until Bandai gives some official info (if they ever do) that says otherwise. All text in
green on the card pages don't have to be taken as official but rather
as a strong suggestion. All text/info in red on the card pages is
official errata and should also be on the official Digimon CCG website.
Everything else is either common knowledge from the cards or
clarifications made by me or Bandai, both of which were official thanks
to the power Bandai had given me. (Note: Bandai does not endorse any website
other than Bandai websites because of company policy. However, I am not
a Bandai employee and thus can endorse my own website as much as I
want.) :]