Power Chart
Price Guide

Power Chart
Price Guide
-- 2004 --
- October 2nd to the end of October, 2004 - (messages will be
shown from latest date to earliest date)
October, 2004 -x.x' Late again
As you have probably noticed, this is the first new post in 2
weeks when I said it would take 2 days to get the comp fixed up...
Truth be told, the comp was fixed up after about 4 days or so, but I
haven't posted the articles because, quite frankly, I haven't gotten
them finished yet... x__x;;; Typing them out is taking alot longer than
I thought it would, and because of that the first article will be split
in 2: The first part being for the rules, and the second part being for
a deeper look at the cards. I *hope* to have the first 2 parts up by
the weekend, but realisticaly it's looking like the following weekend
or the start of the week thereafter... x.x'
Also, I have come across a few things that could be improved on
the site, and will be making updates in the near future. These updates
will include:
Changing all the html pages on the site to .php
Changing the Gallery pages so that they take less time to load (for
dail-up users, mostly)
Changing the left navigation (so it looks better, and adding more pages
that currently have no pages the links lead to)
And Finaly getting the splash image up at some point x_X;;
More card pages will be uploaded sometime after the site is
changed to .php, but I'd realy like to wait for the FAQ to come out
before uploading them, to make sure the info is all correct...
October, 2004 -Hear ye, Hear ye...
Before I say anything else, let it be known that I probably won't
be updating for the next 2 or so days because I found, on Saturday
afternoon, that the comp I upload from is infected with 2 viruses. I
removed most of the infected files, but soon after found that I missed
a few, so I'm back to square 1... Good news is that all the files on
this site are clean, so you don't need to panic and run any anti-virus
software or anything.
If all goes as planned, I should have the article on Digimon CCG
for beginners finished and uploaded when all the virus scanning and
stuff is done, and possibly an article on deck stratagies and combos...
In news, as you know, Hybrid Digimon will be in series 2 (which
comes out this December), and another small tidbit was picked up in the
message boards...
From what I've seen of the 2nd series (and this is unofficial)... there
may be:
1. DNA Digivolution
2. Slide Digivolution
3. Spirit Digivolution
That is all I can say for now."
This was in response to a question about 'Special Digivolving'
along a Digimon's true line and that Veemon's cards say simply
'Imperialdramon' when each Imperialdramon has a Mode. I get from this
response that Imperialdramon (Paladin Mode) might have the same
Requirement as in Digi-Battle or come from a DNA with Omnimon. Either
way, this also hints to me that Imperialdramon (Paladin Mode) might be
in the second series, which means Omnimon should be too. The Spirit
Digivolving is a no-brainer since there's going to be Hybrids, but I
wonder how the Slide Digivolving will work if it's included...
October, 2004 -New News!
In real news, www.digimonccg.com
has finaly gotten their 'Join the Game Team' section up and running!
Although the info I see there is a little different than the info I was
given a few months ago, it's still worth noting! ^ ^ Unfortunately,
within that link there's still some work to be done. But at least you
can find out how to become a GR (Game Referee) and/or GO (Game
In more real news, the press release from earlier said that the
game was released in August and will have a new series released every 4
months (which means series 2 should come out in December). For series
2, official word says to look out for Hybrid Digimon in that series.
In site news, Octavo pointed out to me that the Rinkmon,
Kurisarimon, Rapidmon, Infermon, Vikemon, Mimi, Digital Bandage, and
Positron Laser scans weren't showing in the Booster 1 Gallery section
(which I find is worthy of credit since I said in a past update that
All the scans were up, my site has 900 hits, and no body pointed it out
before...). Those links have been fixed.
In more site news, I should have the article on Digimon CCG for
beginners out sometime next week. When the official site puts out their
FAQ, I'll have more card pages up and have redone some current card
pages. E.g. Kokuwamon and Hagurumon's Special Effect has been changed.
It now only effects Digi-Destined cards that gives +350 Attack, and
only once per turn.