Chaos to Order: Regrouping and 'preliminary phase'
In this article, what looks like the final article in the series,
D. REGROUP will be explained, and anything relative too it. You may
notice a few things similar to the first article, and for good reason
-This runs into the first article.
To start off, here's what the rules say for D. REGROUP:
First, you must restore your hand to 10 cards by drawing from
your ONLINE deck. Players may discard as many cards from their hand to
OFFLINE as they wish, and draw as many new cards from their Online deck
as needed to restore their hand to 10 cards. (This is the only time
when you may restore your hand.)
When there are not enough cards remaining in the Online deck to
restore your hand to 10 cards, draw down to zero, then send ALL the
cards on your side of the board, except the Rookie, Offline. Shuffle
them and place them face down Online. You may then draw as many as
needed to restore your hand to 10 cards.
Note: If at any time during play the number of your Online cards
goes down to zero (either by your action or your opponent's), you must
send ALL the cards on your side of the board, except the Rookie,
Offline. Then shuffle them and place them face down Online before
resuming play.
At this point, players have the option of changing their Rookie
(if they have one showing on the Duel Zone). To set up a change, place
the new Rookie face down on top of the old Rookie. (The old Rookie
remains under the new Rookie.) If you have a Champion card with the
Requirements to Digivolve your new Rookie to the next level, place it
face down on the Digivolve Zone. When it's your turn to Digivolve,
you'll turn over both the new Rookie and the Champion in the Digivolve
Zone, and you'll send the old Rookie Offline.
Players may prepare to Digivolve any Digimon on their Duel Zone
by placing the next-level card (with the correct Digivolve
Requirements) face down on the Digivolve Zone.
Winner of the last Duel initiates the new Duel by starting at step #2
of B. DIGIVOLVE. If the last Duel ended in a tie, the player who went
first last time initiates the new Duel.
I'm sure most of you have guessed this already, but for those who
haven't, the first sentence in the first paragraph tells what you have
to do, and the rest of the paragraph tells how to do that. You *Don't*
get to draw until you're hand is back to 10 cards, then Offline from
what you've drawn, and then draw again; that would go against the
rules. At the start of Regroup, you Offline as many cards as you wish
from your hand and then draw from your Online deck until you've got 10
cards in your hand. Period. 'What if I don't want to draw until my hand
has 10 cards? Can I draw to a lower number like 9 or 8?', you ask? The
answer is 'no'. You have to draw until your hand is restored to 10 cards.
In the second paragraph you might have noticed "...then send ALL
the cards on your side of the board, except the Rookie, Offline." This
doesn't include cards in your hand because it's not on the
board/playing mat. Any cards in your hand when you deck out stays in
your hand. When shuffling your Offline cards to place face down Online,
the cards should be face down when you're shuffling them otherwise it
defeats the purpose of placing them face down when you place them
The third paragraph, where it says "Note: If at any time during
play the number of your Online cards goes down to zero...", is when you
may play St-120 Resist Downgrade -During the Battle/Attack Phase. You
may not play St-120 Resist Downgrade during Regroup, so I've found,
because the rules doesn't cover Option cards being played in Regroup
except in the 'preliminary phase' (And by then you would have already
sent all your Digimon, except Rookie, Offline).
"At this point, players have the option of changing their
Rookie..." is the start of the 'preliminary phase' within the Regroup
Phase. This is also where all the tough questions start... You may be
asking 'What if I Don't have a Rookie showing on the Duel Zone? What if
it's a Digimon of another level?' If you have a Champion, Ultimate, or
Mega on the Duel Zone, you may not change your Rookie. If you have no
Digimon on your Duel Zone, then you obviously can't Change your Rookie,
but you may place one face down on the Duel Zone (it will be turned
face-up in the Digivolve Phase when it's your turn to Digivolve). 'What
if I don't want to place a new Rookie just yet?', you ask? Then you
don't have too. After all, the rules don't actually say what happens if
there isn't a Digimon in the Duel Zone; I'm just using logic to fill in
the blanks since the rules and Customer Support didn't - -;; and an
answer must be given.
'May I have more than 2 Rookies in the Duel Zone at once?', you
ask? The answer to that would have to be 'yes', but only one of them
may be active in a Duel. The rules indicate by the word 'may' in
"Players may prepare to Digivolve any Digimon on their Duel Zone..."
that you have a choice whether or not to Digivolve, so you don't Have
to Digivolve the same turn you change your Rookie. All Rookies that
aren't the active ('new') Rookie should be Under the active ('new')
Rookie when the change takes place. You may change your active Rookie
with another Rookie in your Duel Zone under your active Rookie if you
so desire (Basically, if you have a Rookie Digimon under your active
Rookie and want to change your active Rookie with a Rookie underneath
it, one that has been your active Rookie before, you may do so during
the 'preliminary phase'). 'How many Rookies am I allowed to have under
my active one?', you ask? As many as you want as long as you only
change your Rookie once during each Regroup and your Online deck
doesn't go to zero. 'What happens to the Rookies under my active one if
I deck out', you ask? The rules say that all the cards on your side of
the board except your Rookie, which means your active/current Rookie,
goes Offline when you deck out. 'All the cards' includes all the Rookie
cards that are inactive (under your active/current Rookie) too. 'What
happens to my inactive Rookies if I Digivolve?', you ask? They would go
Offline. 'May I change my Rookie during the Digivolve Phase?', you ask?
The answer is 'no', and that can be confirmed with what I found in file
4. If I'm second player and I've set up to change rookies, can I change my
mind and offline that rookie after my opponent digivolves?
A. NO. Once either Digivolving phase starts, both players can not change the
'What if I want to Digivolve my Rookie to a higher level than
Champion? Can I do that?', you ask? Well, considering the 'old school'
Rookies couldn't Digivolve to anything But Champion (which explains the
examples in the rules), I would think you could. However, the
next-level card Must have your Rookie's name in it's Digivolve
Requirements. The only Rookies that can Digivolve to a higher level
than Champion are St-66 Goburimon (who can DNA with Bo-25 Snimon
[Champion] to St-144 Tekkamon [Ultimate]) and Bo-218 Impmon (who can
Digivolve to Bo-303 Beelzemon [Mega] if Impmon is facing an Ultimate or
Mega). Just remember that you have to fulfill the Digivolve
Requirements when it's your turn to Digivolve or your next-level
Digimon will be sent Offline, according to the rules.
Now this brings me to something I forgot to put in in the first
article... How do you fulfill the Digivolve Requirements on Bo-223
BlackWarGrowlmon in Booster 5? The Digivolve Requirements say "Send
BlackGrowlmon on Duel Zone Offline and place this card on your Attack
Phase." However, the rules say:
2. Player who goes first turns over the card on the Digivolve Zone and places it face up on top of the card on the Duel Zone.
3. Player completes turn by fulfilling any Digivolve Requirements shown on the next-level card.
If the player who passes has a card face down on the Digivolve Zone, he
must move it to Offline, in other words, "Use it, or lose it."
Notice that the second quote says "If the player who passes...",
which means that if you start fulfilling the Digivolve Requirements for
BlackWarGrowlmon by sending your Growlmon on the Duel Zone Offline,
your BlackWarGrowlmon can stay in the Digivolve Zone until your
Attack/Battle Phase without going Offline thus allowing you to
completely fulfill the Digivolve Requirements. However, it should be
noted that the Digivolve Requirements probably means your first turn in
the Attack/Battle Phase, so the BlackWarGrowlmon in your Digivolve Zone
would go Offline if you don't place it in the Duel Zone then. 'If I
don't, would I get my BlackGrowlmon back'? you ask? That's another good
question, and one that I can't give a clear answer too. Since you would
have already sent it Offline, you probably shouldn't get it back.
However, it was sent Offline as part of the Digivolve Requirements for
a card you didn't Digivolve too... Whether or not you can get your
BlackGrowlmon back after you've Offlined it as part of
BlackWarGrowlmon's Digivolve Requirements (if you don't complete the
Digivolution) should be discussed and agreed apon by the players before
starting the game. Although, I wouldn't use BlackWarGrowlmon anyway
because of it's Special Effect (see near the bottom of article 3).
Something to note for all other Digivolutions, though, is in file
3. Do your champion and ultimate digimon go offline when you digivolve to
the next level?
A. NO. Place next level Digimon on the Champion Digimon or Ultimate Digimon.
If you lose the duel, you have send all cards except Rookie to Offline area.
A slightly related question to the 'no Digimon in the Duel Zone'
thing is how a winner is determined if there is no Digimon in one of
the players Duel Zones. If you or your opponent ends up with no Digimon
in one of your Duel Zones during the Battle/Attack Phase, you can't
realy calculate and compare Digimon Power after both players pass
because there isn't an opposing Digimon to compare Digimon Power with.
Therefore, neither player would win and no points would be scored for
defeating the opponent because there isn't one there. Any Option cards
that is supposed to go Offline at the end of the Duel would go Offline
as normal; any Option cards that goes Offline when the Digimon loses
would stay on the Power Port since the Digimon wouldn't have lost. You
can not Digivolve when you don't have a Digimon in the Duel Zone
because there isn't a Digimon to Digivolve from -You have to place a
Rookie in the preliminary phase before you can place a next-level card
in the Digivolve Zone or Digivolve during your turn in the Digivolve
Winner of the last Duel initiates the new Duel by starting at step #2
of B. DIGIVOLVE. If the last Duel ended in a tie, the player who went
first last time initiates the new Duel.
This is the last paragraph in D. REGROUP, and this says how to
start the next duel which would begin at step 2 of B. DIGIVOLVE:
2. Player who goes first turns over the card on the Digivolve Zone and places it face up on top of the card on the Duel Zone.
Now for those of you who read the last article and are still
wondering when exactly a Digimon's Special Effect restarts, for the
sake of fair play it would have to restart at the beginning of the
'preliminary phase'. 'Why?', you ask? Because it would be unfair on the
second player if it didn't. If the first player has a Digimon with,
say, the Special Effect to void one Option card or more and that
Special Effect hasn't been used up during the Battle/Attack Phase, the
Special Effect would still be very active by the 'preliminary phase' if
it doesn't restart before then. What's the significance behind that?
Simply, with that type of Special Effect that hasn't restarted yet, the
first player may very well be able to void the opponent's Digivolve
card, then start the Digivolve Phase (restarting the Special Effect),
and be able to use the Special Effect during the Digivolve and
Battle/Attack Phases too. Needless to say, that would be unfair on
someone. 'But hold on, since the preliminary phase is part of Regroup,
and it doesn't end until the next duel is started, wouldn't the Special
Effect be restarted during the current duel allowing the Digimon to use
the Special Effect twice in the same duel?? You said that couldn't be
done!!' you say? Well yes, I did. However, if the Special Effect only
gets restarted at the start of the Digivolve Phase it would be unfair
on the second player. Besides that, the 'preliminary phase' for the
first duel of the game is in the Digivolve Phase, not Regroup. Since
it's called a 'phase', the point could be argued that it may be part of
Regroup but not necessarily part of the duel that just ended -like a
bridge between duels where it's not part of the last duel but also not
realy part of the one about to begin.
'Now where does it say anything about this preliminary phase
thing?!?' you ask? It talked about it in Bo-293 Apokarimon's Special
Effect: "Special effect: Place Mephistomon card on your Duel Zone at
next preliminary phase when you lose the Duel." 'But hold on, you said
that card should be banned, and how can that Special Effect work when
Apokarimon would be Offline and You said that a Digimon's Special
Effect stops when the Digimon is Offline!?!' you say? Yes, Apokarimon
should be banned because the Digivolve Requirements are flawed, and no,
the Special Effect wouldn't take effect even if you could get
Apokarimon in the Duel Zone because it would be Offline by the time the
Special Effect would have to take place. Why mention it then? Because
Apokarimon's Special Effect is one of the few places it talks about the
'preliminary phase', and that phase is vital to understanding how and
when things on certain cards works.
That concludes my article series on explaining Digi-Battle. I
hope this has been a help to someone, although it's obviously to late
since the new game will be here soon... In any case, for those of you
who still enjoy Digi-Battle, this article series is meant to explain
things and stop fights over what each player thinks is supposed to
happen in the game. Have fun! :-)